How Cheshire Pony Parties creates stress free, amazing unicorn and pony parties

Here at Cheshire Pony Parties we work with you to create the party you and your daughter (or son) will LOVE.

What does that mean? A party where the children are engaged and entertained and where the organisation is easy for the parents.

We can do as much or as little as you wish and we’ll stay in touch/keep you informed from initial contact right through to the big day.

We’re keen to LISTEN to what you’re looking for and if necessary adapt our standing packages to suit.

Whilst our venue is a natural one, we aim to keep everything looking clean and well presented with a rustic, country charm. We are familiar with hosting parties for more affluent parents, looking for a suitable party venue for their pony/unicorn mad child.

I’ve outlined below some of the ways we create stress free, amazing parties – feel free to check out our wonderful facebook and google reviews to see what other parents felt about their party here

Organisation Goals

Generally parties here are a very personal with just 6-12 children, meaning that the children have plenty of contact time with the pony/unicorn.

Our goal is to offer premium children’s parties which children and parents both love. I only do max 2 parties a day to ensure I’m fresh as a daisy for hosting your child’s party.

Oh and it’s me, Amanda, party host, web designer and mucker outer who does everything here, with an occasional teen helper trained in the art of entertaining children. So you can be assured that your host will be knowledgeable, caring, experienced , engaging and completely focussed on everyone having a great time. We chat and engage with the children, whatever their character and aim to make the birthday girl or boy feel really special on their big day.

Venue Considerations
At Cheshire Pony Parties provider we have no expectations of the children being able to ride – Often a party here is a child’s first experience of ponies/unicorns, so it’s a relaxed party, structured to build confidence in the children with grooming and decorating the pony or unicorn followed by a ride for all children who’d like one. No-one HAS to ride if they don’t want to!

Here at Cheshire Pony Parties our parties are held in our idyllic orchard which often stops adults in their tracks and our unicorns and ponies squeals of delight or complete silence from the children!

It’s a really relaxed atmosphere compared to a big busy stables and is perfect for children aged 2-8

The unicorn/pony entertainment
Of course the unicorns are the stars of the show.

Wherever possible I match the size of the unicorn/pony to the ages of the children – this ensures that the children aren’t presented with a huge pony/unicorn which they find too intimidating!

The ponies are really friendly, cuddly and as safe as live animals can be! Some were my daughter’s pony club ponies so they’ve been there, done it got the tee shirt!

They’re decorated to my own design, hand made by me and there’s usually a huge gasp when the children see the unicorn!

I encourage children to come dressed up (any theme goes!) – and I have various ‘unicorn facts’ to  add to the magic of a unicorn party. The children love to tell me what they know about unicorns too – all party of the engagement. Unicorn parties are really special and magical here.

Party packages available and advice
Cheshire Pony Parties’ brochure offers a number of  packages suitable for ages 2-9 and 6-16 children, with guidance as to which package suits which age group. What works for an 8 year olds party isn’t going to suit a party for 3 year olds.  I’m very happy to advise over the phone and find out what sort of a party you’re looking for, eg it’s going to be a parents’ social too, you want a small party because your child has special needs, you have a tight budget, you want reassurance about a particular aspect of parties here.

Having hosted pony parties since 2008 I’ve had all sorts of requests and questions fired at me! If you’ve got a question or request just ask me! I try to accommodate all requests.

Food Options
Some mums want to arrange exquisite food for the children, some bring pre prepared food boxes, one has collected pizza, some just want me to do everything including party tea. Again plenty of options for you to make it work for you.

Adult refreshments
I’ve hosted many children’s parties where it’s been a social for the parents too. Sometimes we provide light refreshments (sometimes lunch), sometimes parents bring their own adult refreshments and we’re happy for parents to bring alcohol – the only rule is plastic/safe ‘glasses’ for obvious reasons!

This makes it a really relaxing, social for the parents of the birthday child.

The business behind the party

Cheshire Pony Parties was established in 2008 and is professionally run and organised. I have an accountancy background so you can expect a professional level of service behind the scenes and I’ve been told numerous times I’m great with the children (that’s girls/boys/special needs/pre-schoolers/juniors).

I have all the required legal bits and bobs – insurance, license, policy and procedures manual, health and safety risk assessments, comprehensive booking system to keep notes of your special requests as well as decades of experience of owning equines and over 15 years of hosting children’s parties.

That means that you can rest assured that you’re dealing with a bona fide business who will honour your booking, respond promptly to communication and will deliver what’s been agreed with a smile. My reviews speak for themselves.

Electronic invites are provided on booking – just one less thing to have to organise!

Visitor Info
There’s quite a bit of info guests need to know BEFORE attending a unicorn party:

  • Venue location and parking arrangements
  • Suitable clothing and footwear
  • Eating and drinking policy (ie not near the unicorns!)
  • Height and weight restrictions (for unicorn welfare)
  • Safety rules eg footballs and unicorns don’t go together
  • Etc

I provide all this information readily available on the website PLUS it is provided in a handy electronic document which can easily be distributed to guests.

Keeping in touch
It’s quite un-nerving if you book something and have absolutely zero contact from the business post booking, especially if you’ve booked some months in advance.

You’d at least expect a confirmation, maybe a reminder nearer the time of the party, some useful info for mums about bringing food, extra decorations, dress up, heads up about forecast rain etc.

Here at Cheshire Pony Parties we keep in touch – you’ll receive a comprehensive confirmation of your booking complete with lots of information mums need to know in advance AND the total cost of your party. We also contact you around 10 days before to check final arrangements (ensure birthday girl/boy hasn’t broken an arm or leg – it happens!). The last thing I want is for there to be any ‘oops’ issues so we confirm who is doing party tea etc at the final arrangement check.

On arrival

On arrival I’ll come and greet you  by name and if you’re bringing food we’ll escort you to the marquee and explain where mums usually place things. Party day is all about the birthday girl or boy but we’re still there to resolve any mishaps – eg extra children, special parking and seating for frail relatives, an extra gift for a younger sibling, napkins, juice for party tea, hot water for adult refreshments etc.

Parties here are like most other parties -super busy in the run up to the start of the party  to make sure everything is all spot on , then as soon as the party start everything is very serene!

The difference with a party here is that I’m the one running around getting everything organised- you can just turn up and enjoy with no mad cleaning and tidying before and after!

If this sounds like your kind of party please get in touch and request a brochure or give me a call and I can help you arrange something to suit.

Stress-free amazing unicorn parties